The Uncarved Block

A Simple Ocaml test harness

It's nice to be able to write tests for code as you go along, so you need a test harness...

I usually like to be able to write tests as I write code, and to have them run every time the code builds to make sure I haven't broken anything. To do this, you need a test harness so that adding tests is as painless as possible. So I wrote this one:

(** - a simple test harness in ocaml

  This is demonstration code only.  You are free to use it under the
  terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 license.

  @author Sean Hunter <sean\>


(** Test harness class.  Tracks numbers of tests run and how many
 succeed. *)
class harness =
    (** The number of tests so far *)
    val mutable n = 0

    (** The number of tests so far which have succeeded *)
    val mutable succeeded = 0

    (** A name for the group of tests currenly running *)
    val mutable group = ""

    (** Runs a predicate function and fails if it throws or
     returns false.  Otherwise it succeeds *)
    method pass_if desc pred =
      n <- n + 1;
      let dots = String.make (50-(min 50 (String.length desc))) '.' in
      Printf.printf "%5.5d: %s ....%s" n desc dots;

          if pred () then
                Printf.printf "ok\n" ;
                succeeded <- succeeded + 1;
              Printf.printf "not ok\n";
      _ ->Printf.printf "not ok (threw exception)\n"; false

    (** Runs a predicate function and fails if it throws or
     returns true.  Otherwise it succeeds *)
    method fail_if desc pred = self#pass_if desc (fun () -> not pred)

    (** Takes a bool and marks the test as succeeded if it is true *)
    method ok desc x = self#pass_if desc (fun () -> x)

    (** Takes a bool and marks the test as failed if it is true *)
    method not_ok desc x = self#ok desc (not x)

    (** Evaluate a predicate, ignoring its result. Succeed if it throws
     an exception, fail if not *)
    method pass_if_throws desc (pred : unit -> bool) =
            (ignore (pred ()));
            self#not_ok desc true
            exn -> self#ok desc true

    (** Evaluate a predicate, ignoring its result. Fail if it throws
     an exception, succeed if not *)
    method fail_if_throws desc (pred : unit -> bool) =
            (ignore (pred ()));
            self#ok desc true
            exn -> self#not_ok desc true

    (** Check that two floats are within a certain tolerance *)
    method pass_if_close ?(eps=1e-9) desc x y =
        let diff = abs_float (x-.y) in
        self#ok desc (diff <= eps)

    (** mark the beginning of a group of tests *)
    method start_group name =
        n <- 0 ;
        succeeded <- 0;
        group <- name ;
        Printf.printf "Begin test group %s\n" group

    (** mark the end of a group of tests, printing out success count *)
    method end_group  =
        Printf.printf "End test group %s: %d of %d tests passed\n"
            group succeeded n

(* vim: set syn=ocaml sw=4 ts=4 expandtab: *)

Now it's very easy for me to write tests. For example, tests for all my payoff functions might look like this:

(** - tests for payoff classes

  Written by Sean Hunter <>

  This is demonstration code only.  You are free to use it under the
  terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 license, but don't
  expect it to accurately price real options.


let tests = new Test.harness;;

tests#start_group "";;

(* tests for vanilla put and call payoffs *)
tests#ok "Vanilla ITM call" (( 100.0 110.0) = 10.0);;
tests#ok "Vanilla ATM call" (( 100.0 100.0) = 0.0);;
tests#ok "Vanilla OTM call" (( 100.0 90.0) = 0.0);;
tests#ok "Vanilla ITM put" ((Payoff.put 100.0 10.0) = 90.0);;
tests#ok "Vanilla ATM put" ((Payoff.put 100.0 100.0) = 0.0);;
tests#ok "Vanilla OTM put" ((Payoff.put 100.0 190.0) = 0.0);;

(* tests for digital payoffs *)
tests#ok "Digital ITM call" ((Payoff.digital_call 100.0 110.0) = 1.0);;
tests#ok "Digital ATM call" ((Payoff.digital_call 100.0 100.0) = 0.0);;
tests#ok "Digital OTM call" ((Payoff.digital_call 100.0 90.0) = 0.0);;
tests#ok "Digital ITM put" ((Payoff.digital_put 100.0 10.0) = 1.0);;
tests#ok "Digital ATM put" ((Payoff.digital_put 100.0 100.0) = 0.0);;
tests#ok "Digital OTM put" ((Payoff.digital_put 100.0 190.0) = 0.0);;
let dd = Payoff.double_digital ~low:90.0 ~high:110.0;;
tests#ok "Double Digital below the low barrier" ((dd 89.0) = 0.0);;
tests#ok "Double Digital at the low barrier" ((dd 90.0) = 1.0);;
tests#ok "Double Digital inside the low barrier" ((dd 90.1) = 1.0);;
tests#ok "Double Digital inside the high barrier" ((dd 109.9) = 1.0);;
tests#ok "Double Digital at the high barrier" ((dd 110.0) = 1.0);;
tests#ok "Double Digital above the high barrier" ((dd 110.1) = 0.0);;


(* vim: set syn=ocaml sw=4 ts=4 expandtab: *)

...and when I run the tests the output looks like this:

Begin test group
00001: Vanilla ITM call ......................................ok
00002: Vanilla ATM call ......................................ok
00003: Vanilla OTM call ......................................ok
00004: Vanilla ITM put .......................................ok
00005: Vanilla ATM put .......................................ok
00006: Vanilla OTM put .......................................ok
00007: Digital ITM call ......................................ok
00008: Digital ATM call ......................................ok
00009: Digital OTM call ......................................ok
00010: Digital ITM put .......................................ok
00011: Digital ATM put .......................................ok
00012: Digital OTM put .......................................ok
00013: Double Digital below the low barrier ..................ok
00014: Double Digital at the low barrier .....................ok
00015: Double Digital inside the low barrier .................ok
00016: Double Digital inside the high barrier ................ok
00017: Double Digital at the high barrier ....................ok
00018: Double Digital above the high barrier .................ok
End test group 18 of 18 tests passed

permalink Updated: 2007-06-21