Inspired by this article on lifehacker I decided to make my own "getting things done" toolset. It would ideally need to be just as flexible from the commandline as the lifehack "todo.txt" file but have machine readablility too. I have decided to use notation3 as the basic format. n3 is useful because it is a machine-parseable format that is easily converted into xml, but it's not as tedious to write as xml can often be. So far it looks as if I will be able to make a "one line per item" file that meets all of the "getting things done in txt" requirements but will also be able to be used online and via the semantic web toolset. I will be updating this article as I go along, not least because n3 is entirely new to me and I am bound to change things as I go along.
So far, the document looks something like this:
@prefix : <#> .
:tidy_garden :contexts "@home" ; :next_action "Mow lawn" ; :all_actions "Mow law
n" , "Weed borders" , "Turn compost" , "Prune" , "Tidy front garden" ; :priority
2 .
:sort_finances :contexts "@home" , "@work" ; :next_action "Consolidate pensions"
; :all_actions "Consolidate pensions" , "ebay junk", "make budget" ; :priority
1 .
As you can see, for each item, I can list the contexts in which it can take place, the next action and all the actions I have thought of for that item so far. For the next actions at the moment I am just using string literals, but I will soon change those into ":" labels so I can join the tasks together in a graph and have some tasks dependant on others. In n3 you can make rules and draw inferences so I could have it figure out for me what I should be doing next. Since the output is rdf I could make a full ontology for tasks etc and then as well as having a tool for humans, I would have a machine-readable format for this stuff that would fit into the semantic web. I may do that.
To get going with notation3, you need a computer with python and you need to install rdflib and cwm. It's well worth the effort to do this.
permalink Updated: 2006-05-10